Penquin Blog

How can you reach an audience that doesn’t care about social media?

Written by Sean Devlin | November 23, 2021 at 10:00 AM

 Most businesses are harnessing the power of social media nowadays, but what can you do to reach people who don’t care about social media?


Social media is without a doubt one of the hottest ways to increase website traffic and promote your content to a broader audience, but are these platforms essential, or are there other avenues you can use and explore to reach your audience?


According to Backlinko, an SEO training company, “Since its inception in 1996, social media has managed to infiltrate half of the 7.7 billion people in the world. Social network platforms almost tripled their total user base in the last decade, from 970 million in 2010 to the number passing 4.48 billion users in July 2021. The spectacular year-on-year adoption of new users on the platforms is, however, slowing down. It now relies on the continuous growth in the number of people with internet access and smartphones, particularly in developing regions.”


Sean Devlin, Client Services Director at Penquin, believes you can implement a few things as a business to either get people more involved on social media platforms or reach them outside social media networks.


  • Create a hype 

If you want to reach people outside social media, you have to make your content stand out from your competitors and create some sort of “FOMO”. People will soon realise that they are missing out on exciting news, announcements, and content on your social media platforms, and this will encourage them to visit these platforms and engage with your content.


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  • It’s never too late

Many people who aren’t on social media believe they have already missed the boat on signing up or creating a social media profile. Smart Insights, an online marketing training platform, says, “4.55 billion people around the world now use social media, 400 million new users have come online within the last 12 months.” From these statistics, it’s clear that it’s never too late to start using social media! 


  • Do your research 

Do research to determine where your target market spends most of its time online. What type of value will people get from using social media platforms, and why should they care? Make your messages prominent and appeal to everyone by thinking of different ways to tell your brand’s story. 


  • Social media is here to stay

Social media platforms are not going away - they’re alive and well and here to stay. They might change and evolve, but the quicker you adopt them, the quicker you’ll get used to them. 


Living in the era of COVID-19, many businesses have moved from a traditional office setting to a work-from-home policy. Social media allows people, businesses, and brands to stay in touch with each other and gain valuable insights from each other. 


  • Become a brand advocate

Nobody can be forced to create a social media account or share social media content, but education around the different social media platforms becomes vital for your employees. Teach them what platforms they can use and how to use them responsibly - sharing your content will then come naturally to them as soon as they become more familiar with the platform. 


Help employees create and navigate through the social media process by:

  • Showing them how to create a social media profile.
  • Showing them how to use the specific social media platform and its settings.
  • Taking it one step at a time.


  • Create a multichannel marketing strategy

Social media is not the only marketing tactic you can use to reach a wider audience. Mailchimp says, “Over 85% of consumers crave a blend of both digital and non-digital experiences with brands, and 68% are likely to spend more with a brand that leverages those channels to treat them like individuals.” 


Creating a “multichannel” marketing strategy can ensure your audience receives a unified, and consistent message. Think of implementing email marketing, pay-per-click advertising, billboards, exciting website landing pages, blog posts, word of mouth marketing and newsletters, YouTube content, and podcasts to reach a wider audience (PS: We can help you with that!).


Contently, a content marketing platform believes your brand should take advantage of “the funnel” when posting social media content.


  • Evaluate how you distribute content using the marketing funnel.
  • Use analytics to see which trends drive the most engagement and clicks.
  • Use your paid budget to promote high-performing content.

The use of social media should not be forced, but people should not be intimidated by social media platforms as it’s a great way to interact with others and connect with new people. Go on, give it a try!


Not sure how to establish your social media presence? Book an appointment with our digital team.