Penquin Blog

10 Integral Touchpoints on the Consumer Journey

Written by Darren Leishman | August 4, 2015 at 12:26 PM

 All of the steps we take on our marketing and sales journey are geared toward ensuring that we engage with our consumers in a positive way, close the deal, and ensure repeat business and positive conversation around our brand.

Setting your marketing priorities: 

In an integrated campaign, the mediums involved depend heavily on the brand need.

Finding the key areas in which to focus your energies can be a ‘multiple choice’ exercise – and selecting the correct answer isn’t always cut-and-dry, especially in large and diverse campaigns. Consumers also play in a multitude of these areas, depending on their need and their approach to research on products.

So how do you ensure you make contact in the right way, at the right time?

Here are some key areas to focus on:

These can tie into any marketing exercise you are planning, and can help you to assess where your main communications in each phase of the consumer journey should be. Based on your knowledge of your ideal consumer, you can map out your campaign to match up to their activities.

Get to know them, and get to know their journey, so that you can accurately pin-point your most critical areas of interaction.

For information on the consumer journey, and a guide on where each phase of the consumer journey is likely to require any particular set of media or interaction, download our Consumer Journey Infographic.